I.B.I.M. Physician Licensing

I.B.I.M. Education, Exams, Graduation Requirements, Licensing & Application to Apply to an I.B.I.M. Accredited Immortality Medical School. 

Currently there is only 1 I.B.I.M. Certified immortality medical school program, The Ajaw University School of Immortality Medicine. Starting in 2023-2024 the school will be released for free via scholarship on our website. Providing access to becoming a Doctor of Immortality Medicine to anyone who wants to learn; Ending the esoteric nature of medicine.

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I.B.I.M. provides all Immortality Medical Doctor I.M.D.: education, exams and licenses 🪪 . This international licensing ensures a higher standard that every I.B.I.M. licensed Doctor is capable of providing immortality to their patients. Starting in 2023 to provide equal opportunity health care Ajaw University School of Immortality Medicine will be offering their entire immortality 4+ year medical school program for free through an Ajaw scholarship to. For those who chose a Scholarship the only cost is for the final testing and licensing.  

Immortality Doctor Education

An Immortality Medical Doctor has a much more rigorous and diverse education requirements with classes in engineering, biology, advanced chemistry, medical, foreign language, quantum physics, immortality technology, epigenetic and genetic studies to name a few. 

An IMD is a walking Immortal before your eyes. One of the requirements to be an Immorality Doctors is the gene modulation from Elixir Of the Gods. Every immortality Doctor is tested to ensure they are an immortal human 2.0 with 10% + genome 🧬 modulated compared to a normal human 1.0. You know you are dealing with a real immortality doctor because all I.B.I.M Doctor well always look immortal and youthful. If they don’t you know they are fraudulent and don’t know how to be immortal.

Exams & Requirements to Graduate

-96% or higher on final licensing exam.

-Certification of 9 months of 2nd and 3rd world living.

-Bi-lingual conversational level.

-Blood test proving Immortality vía telomeres lengthening and proper DNA methylation and acetylation. 

-Successfully engineer and release a product or technology that develops the world. 

-Approval from I.B.I.M.

-99% or higher on ethics final test.

Fill out the info below to receive the link to apply to Ajaw University School of Medicine. Under comment explain why you want to become an Immortality Doctor 🧑🏽‍⚕️.