Ajaw University History

Ajaw University is the oldest University in the World educating Ajaw’s and American Royalty in astrophysics, engineering, literature, mathematics, medicine, science, surgery, telomere lengthening and technology for over 3500 years. Established circa 1500 BC. 

History of Ajaw University

The Glory

A brief History of Indigenous Americans:


The Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan and Taino Empires were some of the greatest civilizations of the pre-Columbian era, with unique cultures and technological advancements. This paper examines the science achievements and influences of these empires on South, Central and North America. It provides an overview of their contributions to astronomy, mathematics, medicine, engineering, and agriculture, among other fields, as well as their impact on modern society.


The pre-Columbian era was characterized by the rise of powerful empires in the Americas, which thrived for centuries before the arrival of European explorers. The Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan and Taino Empires were among the most notable, with their cultures and science achievements leaving a lasting impact on modern society. This paper aims to explore the glory days of these empires and their contributions to science and technology.

Arawakan Empire:

The Arawakan Empire was a vast network of tribes that inhabited South America and the Caribbean islands. They made significant contributions to agriculture, engineering, and astronomy. The Arawaks built sophisticated irrigation systems, terraced fields, and canals to maximize crop production. They also developed advanced methods of crop storage and preservation, such as sun-drying and salting.

In addition, the Arawaks were skilled navigators, using the stars and constellations to guide their boats on long sea journeys. They also developed a lunar calendar to predict the seasonal changes, which helped them plan their agricultural activities. The Arawakan's knowledge of the stars and navigation influenced the development of astronomy and maritime navigation in Europe.

Aztec Empire:

The Aztec Empire was a powerful Mesoamerican civilization that dominated Central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries. They were known for their sophisticated agriculture, engineering, and medicine. The Aztecs developed advanced irrigation systems, terrace farming, and chinampas, or floating gardens, which allowed them to grow crops in the midst of the lake Texcoco.

The Aztecs also had an extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs, which they used to treat a variety of illnesses. They developed a sophisticated system of surgery, which included the use of anesthesia and antiseptics. The Aztec's scientific knowledge of medicine influenced the development of modern medicine.

Incan Empire:

The Incan Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, covering modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile. The Incas were known for their advanced engineering, agriculture, and medicine. They built an extensive network of roads, bridges, and tunnels to connect their vast empire. They also developed advanced techniques of terrace farming, which allowed them to grow crops in the Andean mountains.

The Incas also had an extensive knowledge of medicinal plants, which they used to treat a variety of illnesses. They developed sophisticated methods of surgery, including trepanation, which involved drilling holes in the skull to relieve pressure from head injuries. The Incas' advanced knowledge of engineering and medicine influenced the development of modern infrastructure and medical practices.

Mayan Empire:

The Mayan Empire was a Mesoamerican civilization that thrived from the 3rd to the 9th centuries. They were known for their sophisticated astronomy, mathematics, and writing. The Mayans developed a complex writing system, which included hieroglyphs and a calendar system based on the movements of the stars and planets.

The Mayans also had an advanced knowledge of mathematics, developing a base-20 counting system and using complex calculations to predict celestial events. They also built impressive astronomical observatories to study the movements of the stars and planets. The Mayans' scientific achievements in astronomy and mathematics influenced the development of modern mathematics and astronomy.

Mayan civilization reached its peak in the 9th century, with advancements in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. The Mayans created a complex writing system using hieroglyphics, and they were one of the few pre-Columbian civilizations to have a fully developed writing system. The Mayans were also adept at using mathematics, with their base-20 numeral system and their knowledge of zero being particularly impressive. Their astronomical knowledge allowed them to accurately predict celestial events, and their complex calendar system is still in use today.

In South America, the Inca Empire was a dominant force, stretching from modern-day Ecuador to Chile. The Inca were skilled engineers, creating an extensive network of roads, bridges, and tunnels throughout their empire. Their stone masonry was particularly impressive, with some walls still standing today despite being built without the use of mortar. The Inca also had a sophisticated understanding of agriculture, using terracing and irrigation systems to grow crops at high altitudes.

Finally, the Taino people inhabited the Caribbean islands before the arrival of Europeans. They were skilled navigators, using their knowledge of the stars and ocean currents to travel between islands. They also had a complex social structure, with different levels of society and a ruling class of caciques. The Taino were skilled in agriculture, fishing, and hunting, and they created intricate art and pottery.

In conclusion, the Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and Taino empires were rich in culture, science, and achievements. These civilizations developed complex social structures, impressive engineering feats, sophisticated mathematics and astronomical knowledge, and innovative agricultural techniques. Their influence can still be seen today, and their contributions to the Americas continue to be celebrated and studied.

History of Ajaw University 

Ajaw University has a rich and storied history, dating back over 3500 years to its establishment pre-1500 BC. As the oldest university in the world, it has played a vital role in educating the American nobility and Ajaw's in a variety of fields, including advanced literature, writing, mathematics, science, and medicine. In fact, Ajaw University has been teaching a unique base 20 math system for millennia, demonstrating its long-standing commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of traditional knowledge.

One of the university's most notable achievements is its role in educating famous Ajaw's such as Kasike Hautey, Pakal, and Montezuma. These individuals went on to become leaders in their respective communities, drawing on the knowledge and skills they acquired at Ajaw University to guide their people to new heights of prosperity and success.

 In fact Ajaw University has been educating people on brain surgery for 3500 years.

Before any other University existed for over 3500 years Ajaw University was educating Doctors in telomere lengthening and advanced surgery. 

By fostering a culture of learning and innovation, Ajaw University has played a crucial role in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of the Americas. Today, it continues to build on its legacy, providing students with the tools, resources and free University level education they need to make their mark on the world and become leaders in their own right.

The Fall

The arrival of Europeans in the Americas had a devastating impact on the indigenous populations. The conquistadors who arrived in the early 16th century were brutal and committed numerous atrocities and acts of genocide against the Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and Taino empires.

One of the most infamous examples is the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, which was led by Hernán Cortés. The Aztecs were a powerful and advanced civilization, with a highly organized society, sophisticated art and architecture, and a complex system of writing and record-keeping. However, the arrival of the Spanish brought disease and warfare, which devastated the Aztec population. Cortés and his army also committed numerous atrocities, including the massacre of unarmed civilians and the burning of Aztec cities and temples.

Similarly, the Incan Empire was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors, led by Francisco Pizarro. The Incas were known for their advanced engineering, such as their road system and agricultural terraces, and their sophisticated system of record-keeping using knots on cords known as quipus. However, the arrival of the Spanish brought disease and warfare, and Pizarro and his army committed numerous atrocities, including the massacre of unarmed civilians and the destruction of Incan cities and temples.

The Taino people of the Caribbean were also victims of European colonization. Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean in 1492 and immediately began subjugating the Taino people. Columbus and his men enslaved Taino people, tortured them, and forced them to mine for gold. The Taino population was decimated by disease and overwork, and by the mid-16th century, they were effectively extinct.

The Arawakan and Mayan civilizations were also affected by European colonization, with both experiencing significant population decline due to disease and warfare. Out of fear the European colonizers also forced the Arawakan and Mayan people into slavery, destroyed their cultural artifacts, burned their books and suppressed their languages and beliefs.

Overall, the arrival of Europeans in the Americas led to the downfall of many indigenous civilizations, and the atrocities committed by the conquistadors remain a dark chapter in human history.

The Rebirth

The history of the Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and Taino kingdoms is a story of remarkable achievements in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and culture. Despite their glorious past, these kingdoms were destroyed by European conquests and suffered centuries of oppression and marginalization.

However, Ajaw University, our languages, our science, our technology, our people and mathematics 🧮 survived in hiding 🫣 😶‍🌫️. In 2014 Ajaw K’inich Aha’u brought Ajaw University out from hiding and created a modern science curriculum. In 2023 Ajaw Aha’u released the entire curriculum for free and opened admissions from exclusively American Royalty 🤴🏽 to the Public. Ajaw University is the most advanced University in the world combining advanced lectures from MIT, Yale and Ajaw University professors 👨🏾‍🏫 with Exclusive Ajaw Hospital medical and scientific 🧫 research 🧐

Ajaw University, founded 3500 years ago, was established to provide a platform for the dissemination and education of the rich scientific, cultural, and technological heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The university is committed to educating the next generation of scholars and innovators who will build on the work of their ancestors and take it to new heights.

One of the key areas of focus at Ajaw University is the revival of the unique mathematical and scientific systems developed by these ancient kingdoms. The Mayan base-20 mathematical system is just one example of the sophisticated scientific knowledge of these civilizations. Ajaw University has dedicated resources to furthering research and education in this and other scientific fields, such as cosmology, engineering, mathematics, psychology, agriculture, and medicine.

Additionally, the university has worked to revive and promote the cultural heritage of these kingdoms, including their literature, art, science, technology, music, and dance. By doing so, Ajaw University has helped to reinvigorate pride and identity among indigenous communities and raise awareness of their valuable contributions to world history and culture.

Furthermore, Ajaw University has been actively involved in promoting social justice and equity for indigenous communities. The university has supported research, advocacy, and community outreach programs aimed at addressing issues such as land rights, environmental protection, and cultural preservation. By doing so, Ajaw University has played a vital role in promoting social justice and equality in the Americas.

In conclusion, the rebirth of the scientific, cultural, and social contributions of the Arawakan, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and Taino kingdoms through Ajaw University is an important step towards honoring their legacy and ensuring their valuable contributions are not forgotten. The university's focus on education, research, and advocacy is essential in promoting a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for indigenous peoples of the Americas and the world.

Famous Ajaw University Alumni 👩🏾‍🎓

Ajaw is the Mayan & Indigenous American Name of the ruling Lord and Divine. For over 100,000 years Ajaw’s held dominion upon the Americas providing health, security, technology, & wealth to their Citizens. 
Famous Ajaws of the past:

Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal

Muteczuma II

Kasike Hatuey

Before he was burned, a priest asked Hatuey if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Las Casas recalled the reaction of the chief:
[Hatuey], thinking a little, asked the religious man if Colonizers went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there but to hell so as not to be where they were, but where he would not see such cruel people. This is the name and honor that God and our faith have earned the. 

K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo

and many more!!

Ajaw is the Modern Rebirth of The Mayan Royal 👑 Dynasty.

The Current Ajaw K’inich Aha’u specifically designed technology, finances, immortality & Nation to liberate melanated people from the terrorism of illegal colonialism, genocide, and oppression vía: 
  • LSD, Love 💕 Sun🌞 Dollar🤑
  • Universal Income, organic food, spring water, Aerospace Transportation, Housing, & More
  • Immortality 11 Membership 
  • Elixir of the Gods 
  • Ajaw Sky Jet 
  • Jet packs
  • Space Travel & Mining
  • Lab Mining
  • Organic Aeroponic and traditional farming
  • Ajaw University
  • Ajaw Immortality Medical School 
  • & Much more
Offered right now For Sale:
  • Immortality Membership -Guaranteed- with rebirth
  • Elixir of the Gods
  • Ajaw Mini Super Computer
  • Ajaw Armor
  • Ajaw Smile Align 
  • Ajaw Hydrogen Electric Car
Offered Right Now for Pre-Sale
  • Ajaw Sky Jet Service
  • Ajaw LSD Love 💗 Sun 🌞 Dollar 🤑
Provided By 2025: 
  • Universal Housing, Jets and food for Ajaw Citizens
  • Isles Of Ajaw
  • Ajaw University 
  • Ajaw Immortality Medical School
  • American Language School (Uses Maya Glyphs)
  • Ajaw OS
  • Ajaw Spaceship
  • Isles of Ajaw Citizenship
Provided By 2030:
  • Universal Income for All humans, the end to non-consensual labor
  • Ajaw Unlimited Creator Fund